Unmatched global coverage
Covering over 90% of the world's population, FleetDefense reaches more drivers than any other program in the industry with truly localized content.
Localized content vs. translated content
When we talk about localization, we are not referring to the industry standard practice of creating content once and translating the written content to suit a global audience. Our goal is to develop training that looks as though it was built in each country. Tiny nuances can be lost when translators or voice actors leave their native country. This "loss of flavor" can have a significant effect on the training content and actually distract the user from learning and retaining new information.
Fact based training
We only train safe driving principles we can support with research and science. In-vehicle driving studies, collision analysis, and international reports are some of the material we use to build our global curriculum.
Relevant content
We reinforce our defensive driver courses with local government legislation and statistics.
In region localization
We translate, localize and voice over all of our training in each region through our network of professional linguistic experts and professional voice actors. Our film crew travels to each locale to capture the true daily driving scenarios that our users encounter on their actual roads.
Uniquely standardized
By training universal safe-driving concepts, you can standardize programs across multiple fleets, all from one platform that delivers driver-level risk reporting across the globe
Four benefits of delivering truly localized content
Deliver culturally relevant content to any Internet-connected device across five continents.
Test drivers' defensive skills using their native language and HD video of real traffic hazards.
Standardize training across a business fleet to measure and gauge progress among drivers in different regions.
A complete program
Fill gaps in existing driver safety programs, or launch initiatives in markets where none exist.